Value | Meaning |
invalid0xFFFF | Invalid resource type |
res0 | |
bmp1 | Windows BMP file |
mve2 | |
tga3 | TGA image format |
wav4 | WAV sound file |
wfx5 | |
plt6 | Bioware Packed Layered Texture, used for player character skins, allows for multiple color layers |
ini7 | Windows INI file format |
bmu8 | MP3 or BMU audio file |
mpg9 | |
txt10 | Text file |
plh2000 | |
tex2001 | LaTeX? (guess) |
mdl2002 | Aurora model |
thg2003 | |
fnt2005 | |
lua2007 | LUA scripts? (guess) |
slt2008 | |
nss2009 | NWScript Source |
ncs2010 | NWScript Compiled Script |
mod2011 | Module archive (erf-like) |
are2012 | BioWare Aurora Engine Area file. Contains information on what tiles are located in an area, as well as other static area properties that cannot change via scripting. For each .are file in a .mod, there must also be a corresponding .git and .gic file having the same ResRef. |
set2013 | BioWare Aurora Engine Tileset |
ifo2014 | Module Info File. See the IFO Format document. |
bic2015 | Character/Creature |
wok2016 | Walkmesh |
twoda2017 | 2-D Array (2DA) |
tlk2018 | Talk table |
txi2022 | Extra Texture Info |
git2023 | Game Instance File |
bti2024 | |
uti2025 | Item Blueprint |
btc2026 | |
utc2027 | Creature Blueprint |
dlg2029 | Conversation File |
itp2030 | Tile/Blueprint Palette File |
btt2031 | |
utt2032 | Trigger Blueprint |
dds2033 | Compressed texture file |
bts2034 | |
uts2035 | Sound Blueprint |
ltr2036 | Letter-combo probability info for name generation |
gff2037 | Generic File Format. Used when undesirable to create a new file extension for a resource, but the resource is a GFF. (Examples of GFFs include itp, utc, uti, ifo, are, git) |
fac2038 | Faction File |
bte2039 | |
ute2040 | Encounter Blueprint |
btd2041 | |
utd2042 | Door Blueprint |
btp2043 | |
utp2044 | Placeable Object Blueprint |
dft2045 | Default Values file. Used by area properties dialog |
gic2046 | Game Instance Comments. Comments on instances are not used by the game, only the toolset, so they are stored in a gic instead of in the git with the other instance properties. |
gui2047 | Graphical User Interface layout used by game |
css2048 | Cascading Style Sheet? (guess) |
ccs2049 | |
btm2050 | |
utm2051 | Store/Merchant Blueprint |
dwk2052 | Door walkmesh |
pwk2053 | Placeable Object walkmesh |
btg2054 | |
utg2055 | |
jrl2056 | Journal File |
sav2057 | |
utw2058 | Waypoint Blueprint. See Waypoint GFF document. |
fourpc2059 | DirectX texture file |
ssf2060 | Sound Set File. See Sound Set File Format document |
hak2061 | HAK ERF resource container |
nwm2062 | |
bik2063 | BIK Video |
ndb2064 | Script Debugger File |
ptm2065 | Plot Manager file/Plot Instance |
ptt2066 | Plot Wizard Blueprint |
bak2067 | |
osc3000 | |
usc3001 | |
trn3002 | Area terrain info |
utr3003 | Tree blueprint |
uen3004 | |
ult3005 | Light blueprint |
sef3006 | Special Effect XML File (NWN2) |
pfx3007 | Particle effect XML file (NWN2) |
cam3008 | Campaign definition GFF file |
lfx3009 | Lightning effect XML file (NWN2) |
bfx3010 | Beam effect XML file (NWN2) |
upe3011 | Encounter blueprint |
ros3012 | |
rst3013 | |
ifx3014 | Linear particle effect XML file (NWN2) |
pfb3015 | Prefab definition file |
zip3016 | Compressed zip file |
wmp3017 | |
bbx3018 | Billboard effect XML file (NWN2) |
tfx3019 | Trail effect XML file (NWN2) |
wlk3020 | Walkmesh 3D object |
xml3021 | XML |
scc3022 | |
ptx3033 | |
ltx3034 | Lightning effect XML file (NWN2) |
trx3035 | Baked terrain data |
mdb4000 | 3D MDB object |
mda4001 | |
spt4002 | Lipsync files (NWN2) |
gr24003 | Skeleton file |
fxa4004 | |
fxe4005 | |
jpg4007 | Jpeg image |
pwc4008 | Persistent World Content? (guess) / ERF resource archive |
ids9996 | |
erf9997 | Encapsulated Resource Format |
bif9998 | NWN1 resource container |
key9999 |
NWN resource type used in erf and bif file formats